Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cool Drink Tins contain Rat Urine that can Spread Virus - Facts Analysis

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On Sunday a family picnic with a few drinks tin.Pada Monday, two family members admitted to hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit space. He died on Wednesday. Autopsy results concluded it hit Leptospirosis. The virus is stuck to the tin cans are drunk, without the use of glasses / cups. Test results showed that tin was infected mice that had dried urine (rat urine) containing Leptospira i. Because of this rat urine effect, highly recommended to rinse the parts evenly on all soda cans before drinking it. Cans are usually stored in the warehouse and delivered direct to retail stores without cleaning. A study shows that the top of all beverage cans more contaminated than public toilets (full of germs and bacteria.)
So, clean it with water before putting mouth in order to avoid all accidents total.

Hoax or Fact:
Mixture of hoax and facts.

This story has been circulating since 2002 in various forms. It claims that a person died because of a virus on the cool drink tins that was laid by rat urine. The story also talks about a study which claims that beverage cans are more contaminated than public toilets. However, the story is a hoax. There are no such incidents reported.

Leptospirosis, also called Weils diseaseis indeed a potential deadly disease that is caused by a bacteria that generally spreads to humans in contact with urine from diseased animals such as rats, rabbits, snakes, frogs, dogs, cows, sheep, and certain marine mammals. Rats are the primary hosts of this bacteria, while the other animals act as secondary hosts. This bacteria usually lives in contaminated lakes and reservoirs. According to World Health Organization (WHO), up to 0.001% of world population is affected by this disease every year, depending on the atmospheric conditions. Leptospirosis, when discovered on time can be effectively treated with anti-biotics.

But it is also a fact that the manufacturers and suppliers use packaged cardboard boxes to store these cool drink tins and soda cans to safeguard them from any such harmful dirt like rat urine, and they also see that they reach the consumers at the earliest, while they are fresh. Moreover, there is no cited study saying that these beverage cans more contaminated than public toilets. Therefore, this story is a certain hoax.
A similar hoax talks about hantavirus spreading through rat urine on soda cans and grocery items. The story claimed that using such cans can cause a life-threatening disease called hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). The Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) called it a hoax. Refer

However, it is still a good idea to safely clean the tins before using them, just to wipe off any possible dirt formed due to human handling or anything.

Leptospirosis - Wikipedia
Leptospirosis - WHO

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